The holiday countdown has officially begun!
So often this time of year passes in a whirlwind, but with a little reflection and a bit of planning, you'll be soaking in all the ‘feels’ this season is cherished for.
Our top tips for proceeding into this holiday season with Intention.
*Think about who you will be seeing-
Taking a moment to reflect on the people you’ll be seeing, recalling key details they've shared in the past, and having a few questions ready so you can learn more about them is sure to spark meaningful conversations.
*Be intentional in what you share about yourself-
Taking time to reflect on what you want people to take away from their time with you can plant seeds for deeper connection and lead to enriching possibilities for the New Year.
*Propose outdoor walks whenever possible-
Fresh air and a change of scenery offers a nice break from eating and drinking, gets the blood flowing, and inspires shared moments of natural silence. So get outside and get moving.
*Spend time in ambient lighting-
Christmas lights and candles create a calming atmosphere that brings us into a gentle, kind space. We slow down as the lights dim. Putting on festive music and getting the lighting just perfect is bound to lead to a relaxing evening.
*Create a list of your ‘Sustainers’-
Make a list of all those things that you look forward to at this time of year. List every aspect you can think of that brings you joy and sustains you….festive activities, favourite people, delicious treats, annual celebrations, specific scents; any aspect that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside- and then make a conscious effort to sprinkle those things generously over the weeks ahead.
*Create a list of your ‘Drainers’-
List all the things that can become overwhelming at this time of year, aspects that are stressful, people that wear you down, tiring obligations, and anything else that drains the joy and becomes a weight- and then make a conscious effort to find a way to lessen the burden they bring, or to avoid them altogether.
*Catch yourself when dwelling on hypothetical negatives-
Our bodies respond to our thoughts so it is important to protect ourselves by making a conscious effort to keep the mind focused on the positives and guide thoughts back when you notice yourself worrying about aspects that can’t be controlled.
and lastly……Seek out the Joy!
Even the best intentions can go astray so be prepared to seek out the joy in even the smallest things this season. Let go of expectation, celebrate the sentiment and find what feels good to you.
We at Fettle Fields are wishing you a very Happy Holiday!
Thank you for these great ideas that I can reflect upon as I transition through the darker months into the rebirth and rejuvenation of spring! Finding natural light and fresh air is so important to my mental and physical health right now. I especially like your nugget regarding being intentional on what I share as I am looking forward to the plethora of new connections I plan on making these next couple months.