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The Value of Guidance

It’s one thing to get our physical body out into nature, but it’s another thing to get our mind there.


So often, despite our bodies being here in the moment, our thoughts are off dwelling in the past or worrying about the future and we miss what is happening right before us.


When we have someone to guide us, the benefits of spending mindful time in nature are much more within reach. 

The fact that our bodies are always ‘right here’ means that they can act as an anchor, and a guide will use the senses to pull our minds into the moment through exploring the sights we are seeing, the scents we are smelling, and the sounds we are hearing, in ways we might not have thought of on our own. 

An experienced guide will understand the value of moving slowly and will offer peace of mind and a sense of safety, allowing participants the opportunity to close their eyes and relax into their surroundings.


One of the most valuable aspects of having a guide is that they remind us to take deep breaths, and they encourage us to continuously bring our minds back to the moment when they wander…which they most certainly will.

A guide will remind us that mental noise and a wandering mind are part of the journey, and it is in letting go of expectation and judgement, while celebrating the moments we catch ourselves, that is the key. 

When following a guide's voice, we are less likely to rush or become distracted and this allows us to be led to a space of clarity; a space that is just us and our immediate surroundings. In this space everything naturally becomes more manageable, and it is in this parasympathetic state where the true health benefits of the experience can take effect.


Our Mindful Pause sessions at Fettle Fields are curated so that each activity leads progressively towards a deeper state of relaxation so that you get the most benefit from the time you are investing.  Attending regular guided sessions will not only help to regulate the nervous system but the opportunities to share within the group will create a sense of community and the knowledge that all the bumpy bits are not failed attempts, but simply part of being human.


Join us on Monday November 11th or Saturday November 16th to explore our wandering minds together.

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